quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011


Peter Bogdanovich: The picture’s really about the people who are playing the parts. (...) and it’s about John and Dorothy – and John is me.

6 comentários:

João Palhares disse...

O "ser sobre" não é coisa simples. Às vezes - a maior parte das vezes - é preciso adivinhar, outras, não há um instante em que se duvide.. "Go out and work about characters", dizia o Hawks. E tinha toda a razão.

João Palhares disse...

Quando se trabalha sobre personagens, não há guiões, interpretações, fotografias e realizações para elogiar..

Ficam instantes de trabalho sobre a superfície que se confundem com o conteúdo.. e deve ser por aqui que entra a tal noção rivettiana de "um bom filme ter de contar a sua rodagem"..

João Palhares disse...

E quem trabalha sobre personagens, hoje em dia? Bogdanovich (sempre que o deixarem), Rivette, Eastwood, James Gray, Thomas Anderson, o Cimino (deixem-no, deixem-no), o Mozos e o Costa aqui, quando as coisas correm bem (e mais que o João Canijo, quer-me parecer), o Coppola (quando resolver voltar a fazê-lo), e deve haver mais alguns de que não me lembro agora..

João Palhares disse...

"...in America, instead of making the audience come to the film, the idea seems to be for you to go to the audience. They come up with the demographics for the film and then the film is made and sold strictly to that audience. Not to say that it's all bad, but it leaves a lot of the rest of us out of it. To me cinema can be a much more friendly world if there's a lot of things to choose from."

"Most people like the magic of having it take a long time and be difficult . . . but I like to move along, I like to keep the actors feeling like they're going somewhere, I like the feeling of coming home after every day and feeling like you've done something and you've progressed somewhere. And to go in and do one shot after lunch and another one maybe at six o'clock and then go home is not my idea of something to do."

"You have to trust your instincts. There's a moment when an actor has it, and he knows it. Behind the camera you can feel the moment even more clearly. And once you've got it, once you feel it, you can't second-guess yourself. You can find a million reasons why something didn't work. But if it feels right, and it looks right, it works. Without sounding like a pseudointellectual dipshit, it's my responsibility to be true to myself. If it works for me, it's right."

Clint Eastwood

João Palhares disse...


João Palhares disse...

E "Heaven's Gate", "They All Laughed" e "One from the Heart" marcam, entre outras coisas, o declínio de uma frente de combate - a Nova Hollywood - que tentava reavivar e viabilizar nesses tempos, e respectivamente: a preocupação (mais ou menos) patriótica com as raízes americanas (Ford, Griffih), a exploração e exposição de um star system (Hawks, Hitchcock) e de um studio system (Minnelli, Lewis).